So I got the duffel bags, and some small stuff sacks to organize my gear in. Life should be a bit easier back in the tent now.
The next issue was boots. I want my boots to disappear as soon as I put them on, I don't want to think about them again. Luckily there are a lot of options now. I managed to find two very comfortable summer boots, although I had to compromise a little. These boots wear like tennis shoes, but they are a bit hot. I mean they don't breathe as well as the old fashioned "jungle boot" style desert boots we were issued in the past, or even the new issue boots. But the comfort factor makes it worth it.
Here are pics. Bates M-9:
Blackhawk Warrior Wear:

Then, since Afghanistan is not Iraq, I decided some new waterproof boots would be a good idea. I settled on Danner TFX boots. These come with or without Gore-Tex and the GTX ones come with or without insulation.

I went with the GTX but without insulation. My feet get hot when I'm working even when it's cold. These are super lightweight and comfortable, right from the start.
The other reason I went without the insulation is we are supposed to get issued a pair of "mountaineering" boots. Which I believe are Bates Tora Bora boots, or something very similar. They look like this:
This gives me two good pair of summer boots and two waterproof winter boots. That ought to cover it.
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