Sunday, October 29, 2006

Why I'm not a liberal

I think that I'd like to be a liberal. Being a liberal is considered "cool." Being a conservative is so old-fashioned. Conservatives are old, uptight, moralistic, boring. Dick Cheney! Liberals are young, hip, good-looking, fun. George Clooney! Like the commercial featuring the two guys as a Mac and a PC. The Mac is young and cool: liberal; the PC is fat and uptight: conservative.

Actually I think I mean I'd like to live in the world that liberals THINK we live in. Do you follow what I mean? Liberals have all these great intentions; peace, love, dope! If WE, meaning the United States, would only stop being so selfish and mean; the whole world would get along and be peaceful and prosperous.

Unfortunately we don't live in a world where most of their ideas are possible. It would be cool, for example, if we could solve the terrorism problem with "dialogue" and understanding. But I don't think it matters how well we understand Muslim culture; or how much we want to help people in third-world countries overcome poverty, disease and oppression. THEY don't care what our intentions are.

It would be great if every working person in the U.S. could be paid $10 per hour or more. Liberals seem to believe that it's as simple as passing a law. Mandate what everyone is to be paid and eliminate poverty! Of course this doesn't take into account the reality that there would be far fewer jobs overall because business owners, making the same amount of money as they did before the law was passed, wouldn't be able to hire as many workers.

This seems so simple to me, so logical, that it boggles my mind that so many people in America don't get it.

Like I said, it would be great to live in that world. But that world just doesn't exist.


superstar said...

life just good

Anonymous said...

Huh. Interesting take. I'm not sure what I am. Liberal in thought. Yes, I DO BELIEVE that it is possible to solve the world's problems with dialogue. The problem is, is that no one has the patience. The Dalai Lama has been in dialogue with China for twenty years. These things do not happen over night. Yes, I believe Buddhism is a holistic philosophy. Yes, I believe if people could become more mindful of what they say, do, and think, everyday, that this world would be on the right track. But I also understand that there are power-hungry schmucks in this world that don't care that their country is filled with starving skeletons of children and would rather steal all foreign aid for themselves. Yes, I understand that if I leave my truck unlocked, someone could steal it. I get this. However, I choose to teach my students what is important. Love for one another. Can we love and support our troops. You bet your ass. I support you and any person who is brave enough to go into the military. My brother was a marine. He is now a professional gun smith. No, our views are quite opposite. But, I respect him and understand him. I choose not to have guns in my house. I choose to keep my house and truck open - not to invite crime, but with a mind that says - you only have to ask and I will give it to you. No, I don't have children. I suppose I would lock my home if I were protecting them. But stuff - stuff doesn't matter. I would never have an abortion, but I try to love those who choose to - I have not walked a mile in their shoes. I would rather people work than collect welfare - but sometimes, people are stuck in a vicious circle. What can help them? Loving people. That's the only answer I have. It's not quick. It's not the most rationale - but it never fails. By the way - I'm a 35 year old female English teacher who doesn't give extra credit or round up grades. ;)

caferacer99 said...

That's a great comment, Tristen. I don't want to stop trying to make that world happen. I don't want us to give up trying to talk to people who hate us and I don't want to stop trying to raise the poor out of poverty. Those are all worthy goals and we should never stop trying to make them a reality.

The problem is that you have to start from a realistic position. See the world as it is now, and then go from there. We will accomplish much more that way, and protect ourselves as well.