Monday, May 21, 2007

Brit Iron Rebels

I just got accepted into the Brit Iron Rebels! This is a, still pretty small, group of men and women who enjoy vintage and retro-styled British motorcycles. Not an outlaw club, but with some of the "rockers" mentality. There are less than 200 in the group, and we are spread out world-wide. We get together through an online forum.

Here is the website Brit Iron Rebels.

So in the five years since I wrote this, I sold my Thruxton and stopped participating in the BIR.

We had a pretty fun get-together in Gunnison in 2008. And I had a good time hanging out with the guys in the 5280 chapter, but I'm not a part of this group any longer.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Rebels Steve!

Anonymous said...

Good words.