I have an issued assault pack that I keep everything in whether I'm in the field or in garrison. I also have an issued Camelback. Obviously I can't wear both at the same time, so the Camelback goes into the assault pack when I'm carrying both. The camelback takes up a lot of space in the pack and is kind of a pain in the ass with all the straps and extra webbing. (Loose webbing dangling all over the place is a pet peeve of mine.) All in all, not a big deal. Certainly not worth replacing a perfectly good Camelback that was free.
Now in full gear in the field, especially in body armor, things get more complicated. Wearing the Camelback over the IBA drives me nuts. I almost always forget it's on (which is good), but I strangle myself when I go to take it off. Plus sitting in a vehicle with the Camelback on puts me in a forward leaning position which is uncomfortable.
Enter the "Armorbak." It's a small Camelback that comes with clips that allow you to attach the thing to the back of an IBA or other body armor, or even vest. So no straps across the front of the vest. It sits higher than the issue Camelback and is shaped differently, which should make sitting in a vehicle more comfortable.
Plus when I unclip it from the IBA, it fits beautifully in the assault pack. It even clips to existing quick-disconnects on the outside of the assault pack. A couple of pics.
We will be getting the new generation body armor before we leave, so I'll have to get a couple of pics of that set-up when I put it together.
I usually just carry three or four .5 liter bottles of water on patrol. If it's a 3 hour patrol during the day I'll drink maybe one bottle, 6 hours 2 or 3 bottles. If it's a night patrol I usually don't even finish one.
If I was your 1ST SGT, I'd make you drink more water...
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