Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Here's something I don't understand about left-wing types. They think George Bush is an idiot. I mean stupid! They make fun of his goofy mistakes and write books about his pathetic speeches. (He really is a bad public speaker.) They say his daddy got him into Yale and he pulled C's and on and on. "Nuculur!" Hahahahaha....

They also say he fooled the entire country and a good part of the free world into going to war. He manipulated most of the Senate into voting his way, and pressured the FBI and CIA into falsifying intelligence to support his war. He got all these Senators to say Saddam was a threat and had WMDs, including Kerry and Hillary. He got the intelligence agencies of foreign countries to back him up, somehow. Some people even believe Bush was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11 and he somehow set the whole thing up - just to give himself an excuse.

That's pretty good for a C student. No, that's genius - evil super-genius. That's James Bond super-villain type genius! Think about it. All the people who would have to either be in on the plot, or be duped into doing Bush's bidding. It boggles the mind. Watergate pales in comparison, not even in the same league.

In fact some of the same people he hoodwinked, supposedly, are people who accuse him of being stupid. So what does that say about the people he fooled? How embarrassed would you be, as a Senator? "Yeah, I'm SO much smarter than Bush, but... he's just such a convincing speaker..."

Anyway, I suppose you could say Bush is just a puppet, doing the bidding of the real evil super-genius: Dick Cheney (or Carl Rove, depending on who you talk to). But that would mean that Bush is an incredibly gifted actor. So why would he act so dumb?

And anyway, if Bush IS an actor, then we should really pay attention and do what he says. Because, after all, in America we consider actors to be minor gods. To be worshipped and adored. Every utterence to be revered as gospel. (See Clooney, Pitt, Jolie, etc...)

Which leads to a huge problem for liberals.

1. Bush is dumb. In which case he isn't capable of lying and manipulating the country into the war. Or really even being a part of a huge conspiracy directed by someone else. Which means the people who voted to give him the power to go to war are really to blame, after all they gave this idiot the power to go to war?


2. Bush is an evil super-genius. If he is capable of doing all that the left accuses him of - we should just be glad he's on our side. Or maybe he's not... Anyway, if he's that brilliant, there's nothing we can do. He's far too smart for all of us.

It really can't be both.

There's a third possibility. Maybe he's just doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. Maybe he laid out the case as best he understood it, presented evidence that he thought supported his case and used political pressure on our allies to get done what he thought needed to be done. Then he let the Senate vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even if he went with his best intentions, that doesn't affect his culpability. Smart, dumb; if the Runza guy doesn't get my order right, I'm pissed off.