Monday, October 23, 2006

First little rant

Chaos and negativity, it drives me nuts. You would think that every soldier that ever went to Iraq has been killed. People want to see the caskets of soldiers coming back to the states, in the name of truth, they say.
That's bullshit.

You want the truth? You want balance? How about showing pictures of troops coming home safe and sound? How about showing footage of all the convoys arriving safely at their destinations every day in Iraq? Boring... No drama...

No one is interested in truth or balance anymore. All we want are weapons to beat our opponents over the head with. That's fine if our opponents are the terrorists. The problem is we are fighting each other. No one outside the administration is interested in winning this war. They want to win in November, not in Baghdad.

Bush and Co. obviously don't have the right tactics. They need help, but they won't get it because no one in opposition wants Bush to look good. And Bush wouldn't take help anyway because he doesn't want to look like he needs the help.

We Soldiers are stuck. Prisioners of our political system.

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