The height of cowardice has to be the Representatives working towards this resolution against the troop buildup in Iraq, but who are unwilling to end the war. Here is my reasoning:
The Representatives are responsible for providing the funding for all government activities. They could end the war in Iraq in short order if they voted to stop funding it. They could do so in such a way that the military wouldn't end up getting screwed. And they could make their case very clear: that they are doing it to end the war and not because they don't "support the troops." I think the country would "get" that.
So any of the Reps that are saying they don't support the build-up because it won't work, or they think the war is already lost, but are not in support of cutting funding, are cowards. Senators don't control the money but they could call for a cut in the funding. They lack the courage of their convictions. If you truly believe that the war is lost, then how can you not force an end to it? You are sending troops to fight and possibly die in a war you believe to be lost, when you could stop it!
This leads me to one of only two conclusions: either you don't believe the war is lost and you are only saying that because it's what your party is telling you to say; or you
do believe the war is lost, you
do believe that soldiers will die needlessly and
you don't care as long as the policy can't be blamed on you.
Now I
do think we can win. I
do think it's important for us to win. I think there are only two ways we can fail. One is that the Iraqi government can't function and the Iraqi people choose to fight against each other rather than embrace freedom and democracy. We can't control that, but I am proud to have been (and possibly be again) part of giving them that opportunity. The second way we can fail is by giving up, which is what the left is in real danger of doing. I don't see how success is possible when half of our leaders are predicting failure.
As a Soldier, I don't really want to go back to Iraq if failure is the
expected result. Talk about a real bummer. "Go risk your life for us, troop. We know you will fail, but we don't care as long as we can blame your failure on someone else."
I disagree with the people who say we will fail. But I have a lot of respect for those Representatives who think the war is lost and are calling for cutting funding for the war. Because they are willing to make a decision, state it clearly and back it up with action.
I think this is why Bush has maintained support of the military for so long. We respect decision makers, people who have to make the call, much more than the people who stand on the sidelines and nitpick. I've been the guy who has to make the unpopular decision. I've had to stand in front of the platoon and announce that we are working on Sunday, or working all night or running another convoy to Baghdad. Obviously not on the same scale as taking a nation to war, but I have more respect and sympathy for Bush than a civilian might because of this experience. Bush was the guy who was on the spot after 9/11, he had to make the call.
So I would like to see our leaders take a stand. If you are going to send more troops in, then do it with the intention of winning. If you don't believe we can win then bring all the troops home. We need leaders, unfortunately all we have are politicians.